LastObject: Honest Review

Hi world! Chris here. Today I’m finally getting into a review of a popular sustainable brand. You guessed it, I’m talking about LastObject!

For anyone that hasn’t heard of this brand, let me fill you in. LastObject is a company that makes reusable versions of single-use self car products such as cotton rounds and q-tips. It’s a Denmark company that tries to make their products from recycled materials and also prevent the build up of waste that comes from using household items once and then throwing them out.

As an eco-conscious person, I was immediately intrigued when I learned about this brand. Specifically because of 2 of their products: the LastSwab and the LastTissue.

The LastSwab is a reusable q-tip and the LastTissue is a pack of reusable tissues. These two things struck me because #1. I use those things a lot and #2 reusing them seemed kinda unhygienic so I was curious how they could combat that. So, I decided to try it out.

This is what they looked like upon arrival. There is no plastic wrapping which I like and they look nice and clean and sleek. Outside of the boxes, they look really bright and fun. Like this!

The case for the LastSwab was stiff and protective to prevent it from getting nasty because that’s something going in your ear. The case for the LastTissues was very soft and bendy and honestly, it felt so nice. I love the texture and the color I chose.

However, when I originally got it, I kept it in my bag because I always need tissues (I have allergies and feel like I’m always at least a little congested) and it get dirty so easily. The silicone like case seemed to attract dirt and dust which I found really annoying. It didn’t get inside on the actual tissues, but still.

As far as the actual tissues go, they’re basically just little white squares of fabric. Kind of stiff and rough on the skin at first, but you get used to them the more you use them. You get about 6 of them in once case and they can be washed in a regular machine whenever they’re dirty.

On average, each tissue is supposed to last for about 520 uses before you would need to buy a refill. Which you can do without having to buy a whole other case for them, making the second purchase a bit cheaper than the first.

Overall I think the product was pretty positive. I love what it stands for and what it’s trying to do for the environment. There’s only 2 main drawbacks in my opinion.

#1 The tissues aren’t super rough, but if you have sensitive skin (like me) and need to use them a lot (like me) it can get kind of uncomfortable because it’s so much stiffer than regular tissues. I would recommend using them in moderation if you have a cold or anything else that might make you burn through tissues.

#2 They could easily be made at home. If you’re someone that has extra fabric and knows how to sew, you could just make your own versions of these without having to buy them. I, however, am not that person, so this drawback doesn’t really relate to me.

Otherwise, I think they were great. Much like my experience with the LastSwab.

I honestly expected the worse with this product because the thought of reusing it in my ear was really gross to me, however, as long as you follow the instructions on cleaning, it’s not bad at all. You just have to use warm water to wash it off EVERY time you use it. Like immediately afterwards.

Make sure you let it dry afterward so it doesn’t get moldy and honestly that’s all there is to it. This thing is great.

It doesn’t dry your ear the same way q-tips do, and that took a bit of getting used to, but it does exactly what it’s supposed to. If having a wet ear is really gonna bother you though, you can always towel it off before using the LastSwab. Then there shouldn’t be any problem.

Like the LastTissue, the LastSwab also has a limit. Designed to last for about 1,000 uses, it will eventually need to retire and you will need to buy another one. Again, when you buy a refill, there’s no need to buy another case and this makes it a little cheaper than before.

Overall, I don’t really have any cons to using this product. It worked well, it saves the environment, it’s a win-win from every angle.

The company offers a bunch of other alternatives to single-use items as shown in the picture above. If that interest you, go check them out by clicking on the image. I thought they were affordable and they work as advertised. Lots of fun colors to chose from and you get to know you’re making a difference with your purchase. I think that’s pretty cool.

Obviously, all of this is based on my own opinion and no, this post is not sponsored. Sometimes I have a hard time trusting sponsored posts because I never know if they’re being completely honest or not. I wanted to be completely transparent here, so no, it’s not a brand deal.

If you’ve made it this far down the post, drop a like before you go and maybe one day I will be able to do one.

Thanks for reading! I’ll be back next week with another Redhead Reviews. Until then, stay safe!

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